An excellent reason of why people
should prepare was sent to me by a reader of
this web site. Click here,
and see if you can fault
his logic.
So, how does one become prepared?
Preparation is more than reading a book on
how to identify edible wild plants, written
by an armchair theorist whose worst nightmare
is not finding a parking place for his Volvo
in front of his favorite Starbucks.
Real preparation is work - hard work - and it
is not free. This web site is free, and
it prints to over 1,800 pages, so clicking
the links at the bottom of this page will
take you to hundreds of individual pages, all
within this one web site. I
deliberately placed most of the pages on the
left side of the screen so they will print
easily with full, intact lines of
text. is a guideline for
preparations for virtually any future
calamity, but we are not so arrogant as to
tell you that skimming through this site in
one night is the salvation to your survival can hear that from the city
slickers dreaming about how wonderful life
would be if we all lived in harmony in nature
and food magically appeared on the table
three times a day. Self reliant living
is a lifestyle, not a weekend game! Real
preparations take a lot of thought and action
on your part. Much of what you need to learn is
timeless, so I need not update or revise
those sections: canning butter or
properly preparing grains for storage are not
fashion statements and the methods used do
not change with the political winds. If
you can master the basics, you are vastly
ahead of 99% of the population.
are valuable for "personal" catastrophes
as well as large, national events.
Cheryl, a reader of this web site, wrote to
me with a list of the value of preparations
for personal disasters. I cannot
improve on her reasoning, so I present it as
she wrote it.
just you as an individual or family group,
have to take action, really do something, to
prepare on your own for your own
survival. I can help with the wisdom
that comes from having lived a self reliant
lifestyle, having made the mistakes,
purchased the products that do not work, and
point you in the right direction for the best
preparations at the least cost, and I can
show you photos with the proof that I have
done it myself, and therefore it is
possible. The rest is up to
excellent reason for
� 2000, 2001, 2002,
2003,2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,
2010, 2011 and 2012 by Miles Stair
Permission granted to print copies for
non-commercial personal use
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