10. Essential Tools
are civilization. Proper tools allow tasks to
be done quickly and efficiently, so life can
be more than a dreary, bone weary scavenge
for food and shelter. Many farms up until WW
II had the proper tools to be virtually self
sufficient...and that meant manual, non
electric tools and machines which would work
come hell or high water, year after year,
from one generation to the next.




Firewood tools
Tool storage
Shovels, axes
Modern families and even farms rarely
have enough non electric equipment to even
begin to heat homes or as a means to cook
their meals. The necessary equipment is still
available, some new, some only available at
flea markets or antique shops. But this
equipment can still be found if only one has
the persistence and dedication to search them
civilization is now defined by electricity.
Take that away, and "civilization" as we know
it comes to an end for most people. Life
would go on - as it did a hundred years in
the past. The unprepared could starve, many
will die of hypothermia in the cold darkness
of their once "user friendly" homes.
"Something wicked this way comes."
Thoughtful, brave men, though, would be able
to survive with a degree of comfort,
providing they prepare to live without
electrical energy now, while still

basic categories of essential tools required
for survival in our very uncertain future can
be broadly classified under the following
1. |
Non electric cooking and kitchen
equipment; |
2. |
Wood cutting and splitting tools for
heating and cooking; |
3. |
tools for repairs, construction, and
Photos of carpentry tools. |
4. |
Home defense firearms;
Knives; |
5. |
Medical and nursing supplies,
including radiological
testing equipment; and |
6. |
Preservation oils, lubricants, grinding
and sharpening stones, files, etc, for
the maintenance of the essential
tools. |
7. |
Playing with temperatures- make your
own tools.
The Post-Apocalyptic Blacksmith,
by Dale Raby, is now an eBook and highly
recommended! Only
$1.99 for the download.
I bought
a book several years ago which may go
along with your website very well. It
is written by Aldren A. Watson, titled
"Hand Tools: Their Ways and Workings".
ISBN # 0-393-32276-9. It is written to
explain the purpose, use, and
maintenance of hand tools, many of them
obscure. In his work, the author
recommends what to get, what not to
get, how to adjust these tools. Things
like hand drills, froes, spokeshaves,
saws, adzes, etc. Anyone planning to
stockpile an assortment of tools to use
during the "bitter end" should know how
to properly (safely) use them and how
to adjust/maintain them. Also very good
reference for those planning on a DIY
cabin/retreat. Strictly hand tools.
Lists for $15.95, over 400 pages and
450 illustrations. Check it out, an
excellent resource....Mark -
life "The Day After" be pleasant? In a word,
no. It would be ridiculous and irresponsible
to believe that our so called "lifestyle"
would continue unabated. You must prepare now
for the security of your families. There are
no alternatives if you desire to stay out of
harms way in the near future. Today I can go
into the shop and get a cross cut
saw, wedges and single jack,
walk out into the woods and fall a dead tree.
Limbing can be done with a heavy single
bit axe, and if needed sections cut and
yarded out into an open area with a hand
winch or a long rope and pulleys. Then the
tree can be sawed into firewood lengths. Then
splitting mauls, augmented with splitting
wedges and a sledgehammer, are available to
split the wood into sections suitable for
burning. Being from a dead tree, the wood
will burn immediately in a wood stove for
heating or cooking. That is possible only
because I have not only the equipment
necessary, but also the wood stoves in place
now, when they are available.
neighbors are also rural dwellers, but they
heat with electricity, cook with electricity,
pump water from deep wells with electricity,
and have no alternative methods to compensate
for the ultimate failure of the electric
utility grid. Most of these people have long
since discarded their wood stoves, even trash
burners that could heat a kitchen, remodeled
perfectly useable wood burning fireplaces
into "pretty" artificial log systems,
destroying the infrastructure of a once
reliable source of heat. I personally have
had conversations with neighbors who actually
believe their artificial fireplaces could
still be used if the power was down! They
forgot the electric fans which make the
system work! And they will have no water when
the power goes out. That is their fault, not
mine. They have chosen to be totally
dependent upon others and upon fragile
technology very new in the history of mankind
for their very existence.
have the "free will" to act, or not to act,
in such a manner as will ensure our survival
as free, independent souls, and not have to
beg for handouts from "big brother" in order
to live from one day to the next. What is
your choice?
It is
very possible you may want to bury and "lose"
some essential tools that may be very
important to your future survival.
Engine oil is NOT a rust preventive oil. If
you need to preserve any carbon steel
products against rust (as in buried storage),
a real rust preventive oil must be used. The
best product I have found for rust prevention
is NAPA brand "Chain and Cable" lubricant. It
comes in a spray can and sprays out as a
highly penetrating foam. The foam dissipates
into an oil and penetrates into the pores of
the steel. After awhile wipe off any excess,
cover the item carefully with moisture-proof
material, then seal the seams against any
water infiltration. Don't forget that
"Seal-A-Meal" bags are available in 20 foot
lengths and either 7 or 10 inches wide -
ideal for sealing long, narrow objects you
would want in a future dire
package can then be placed into a sturdy
container (metal or thick PVC pipe), coated
with liquid paraffin, wrapped again with
black plastic sheeting (to protect the
paraffin) and the seams sealed with vinyl
tape, then buried. Bury at least 3 feet
deep, cover the object with a foot of dirt,
throw some scrap iron or old pipe into the
hole, then finish covering with dirt, finally
replacing the surface material so the
landscape does not appear disturbed. If
anyone with a metal detector gets curious,
they will find the scrap iron first and
hopefully get discouraged from digging
