now you don't have to make your own
all-brass .410 hulls. Midway has 2 1/2"
hulls already made! But I will not
delete the information below because you may
have to make your own in the
Magtech Shotshell Hulls 410 Bore 2-1/2"
Brass Box of 25
See below for more information
from a reader of this page.
Survival Reloading and
Using Lyman 310 Tong Tools for Reloading
term reloading of .410's means using
all-brass cases. That requires more knowledge
and skill, but the brass cases will last
virtually forever. Extremely sturdy brass
cases can be made from .303 British cases,
.444 Marlin brass, or for full length 3"
cases, 9.3 x 74R brass can be used. First the
empty cases should be annealed, then
fireformed with 8.0 grains of Herco and a
case full of Cream of Wheat (load single
shot, straight up, then fire). The Cream of
Wheat will blow the case walls straight,
including the shoulder and neck, resulting in
a straight sided all brass case.
reference, the base diameter of factory
.410's is 0.469", and the rim diameter is
0.524". .444 Marlin cases are straight walled
and can be used as .410 brass without the
need for fireforming, but have the penalty of
a 2.162" case length. The base diameter of
the .444 Marlin is 0.469", whereas the .303
British has a base diameter of 0.458". The
rim diameter is smaller with the .444 Marlin
- 0.514" instead of the 0530" rim diameter of
the .303 British - so it is theoretically
possible that a really loose extractor might
not catch the rim. The 9.3 x 74R European
brass has a base diameter of 0.465", a rim
diameter of 0.524, and an overall length of
3.47". The rim thickness (headspace) of the
9.3 x 74R, however, can be a tight fit in
minimum .410 bore shotgun chambers, and may
need to be thinned before use. Obviously
we're only talking a few hundreds or
thousands of an inch differences here, but it
is a complication not taken with
Let me
digress a little. By now you are wondering
why the cases mentioned above all have
essentially the same base diameter. The
reason is the cost of the draw dies
when the cases were designed and
originally manufactured. In 1869, when the
.44 S & W American was designed, draw
dies for making brass were very expensive, so
they were used for other cartridges as the
need arose. In 1870, Smith & Wesson
developed the .44 Russian - so manufacturers
used the same draw dies. When development
work was underway in the early 1890's on the
.303 British and .30-40 Krag, again those
same draw dies were used to form the longer
rifle cases. Then in 1907 came the .44
Special, etc. In the finishing process, of
course, rims of different diameter and
thickness could turned, so the .30-40 Krag
rim is 0.540" in diameter, as opposed to the
0.530" rim diameter on the .303 British.
Shotshell cases were originally drawn brass,
not paper or plastic. The base diameter of
.410 shotshells is 0.469" and the rim
diameter 0.524"...not surprising that brass
cases will work, as they were made with
essentially the same draw dies!
single shot shotguns, an all-brass case made
by fireforming .303 British brass seldom
requires resizing, needing only a new primer
before reloading. The resulting case is 2.25"
in overall length. As shotshell length is
measured as fired, a 2 " .410 case
actually measures 2 1/4" when loaded....the
same as the all brass shell made from a .303
British case! Wonder of wonders. Like it was
meant to be. Actually, it was, as you will
see. Occasional sizing may be needed, and can
be performed using a .44 Special size die and
a .303 British shell holder. Heck, I knew a
geezer who sized only the top 5/8" or so of
the brass with an old .30-40 Krag sizer
die! He had an oversize chamber, so it
made sense to use the seater die instead of
the actual size die, as the brass was worked
less and lasted longer. With strong, thick
walled rifle cases designed for 38,000 PSI or
more, only the top third of the case expands
at the 12,000 to 14,000 PSI working pressures
of .410 shotgun loads.
magazine shotguns like the Mossberg HS410 and
Winchester 9410 need a slight crimp in the
case mouth and mild sizing for reliable
feeding, which can easily be done with a .44
Special/Magnum crimp die (or .444 Marlin)
with the bullet seater insert
primers are actually pistol primers minus the
anvil, the rest of the shotgun primer
assembly actually being a Berdan primer-type
holder. In the 1950's and 60's, it was common
practice for shotgun reloaders to simply
replace the primer in the assembly, and
Cascade (CCI) made primers without anvils
just for that purpose - I still have some -
but it was tedious work. When loading brass
cases for use in the .410 bore shotgun,
pistol primers should be used. It all has to
do with the pressure generated by the loads
and the designed impact of the firing pin:
pistol primers are designed to ignite with
only 6 to 9 pounds of impact, and resist
pressures only half that of rifle
powder charge of 8.0 grains of Herco under
to 5/8 ounce of shot will work well. Card
wads are needed over the powder and the shot
column, and felt wads are needed over the
powder wad. These wads can be cut from thick
felt or solid cardstock using a home made
punch. A 300 H & H case can be sized in a
.44 Special seater die deep enough to create
about 3/8" of straight wall on the side of
the case. Cut the case at the top of the
straight section, then again just above the
solid web at the base of the case. Sharpen
the outside of the case mouth with a
deburring tool, leaving the inside edge
straight. Card stock is then placed on a
relatively soft but flat surface, like a
piece of truck inner tube on a kitchen
cutting board, to protect the cutting edge of
the home made wad cutter. Use a rubber hammer
on the top of the card cutter, and disks of
the correct diameter will be cut
card wads should be left "dry," but felt
undershot wads should be lubricated to reduce
leading in the barrel. There are nice
commercial products available for this, or
you can soak the felt wads in a 50-50 mix of
melted beeswax and Vaseline, then let them
cool and dry on paper.
pressure is a controversial subject. Of more
importance is seating resistance, where the
top wad is sealed firmly enough to enhance
pressure buildup before releasing. The old
way, when all brass cases were the norm, was
to put 8 to 10 drops of waterglass (also
called "egg keep") on the top wad. In an
emergency, use what you have, such as Elmer s
glue, and clean the barrel more
Obviously, the height of the load
within an all brass case depends upon the
thickness of the felt wads used, but the
actual height doesn t matter much, really, as
long as the top wad is securely sealed. This
is a total departure from loading
recommendations for plastic shotshell cases,
but all brass cases don t need internal
support for stability of the top folding or
roll crimp, as there isn t one. As long as
you weigh (or measure) the powder charge and
shot charge, the thickness of the felt wads
is not that critical. Of course you can
experiment and add of subtract felt wads to
reach the top of the case if you want too,
just as it is possible to cut plastic strips
(similar in thickness to gallon milk jugs or
bleach bottles) to surround the shot column
inside the case to reduce lead shot scrubbing
against the barrel.
shot is not hard: making it round and uniform
is very tricky. Drop melted lead through a
sieve into water and you have made shot.
Teardrop shapes, odd sizes, but it is shot.
Dropped from a considerable height through a
chimney (or stove pipe) into water makes the
shot more uniform in diameter, but in
emergency situations may not be worth the
trouble. Patterns with home made shot are
usually twice as large as with nice, round
commercial shot, but it works!
Simulated "buckshot" can even be made
using .225" to .309" light weight cast
bullets or round balls by using split shot
sinker molds. The resulting "buckshot" does
not have a great pattern, but does have
greater penetration than smaller shot. When
loading, the "buckshot" column should be
buffered with Cream of Wheat filler or
coarsely ground wheat to reduce leading and
provide feed for more birds. For a
really devastating load, use split shot
crimped over strong monofilament, so the
buckshot is essentially tied together with a
two inch or so separation.

molds from left: Hensley & Gibbs with
4 cavities of 180 grain bullets for .44
Special (#271, my design); two Lee molds;
a Lachmiller mold for .45 ACP; and a
Hensley & Gibbs with two cavities of
158 grain SWC .358" (#73BB) and two
cavities of 210 grain .430" bullets
(#271BB, my design) for the .44 Magnum.
There wasn't room in the photo for all my
Lyman single cavity rifle
molds. |
Of course I recommend
having reloading tools and bullet molds for
all of your rifle and handgun cartridges. You
may not be able to get jacketed bullets, but
if you have the primers, powder and a bullet
mold, your rifle, pistol, revolver and
shotgun can still work in hard
My booklet,
Reloading, has reloading tables for
virtually every cartridge you might ever
encounter, for both cast and jacketed
bullets. Order here.
Brass shells come in two
basic flavors:
1) Extruded -- which is the "old" way of
making them. These are (relatively) cheap;
but, reloading them is a bit of an art (as I
am sure you know!). Apparently, one needs to
know the proper wad sizings (or make their
own as described on your page) because the
case wall is thinner than today's plastic (or
yesterday's paper) shells and standard wad
sizes will not fit. 12 gauge, for example,
typically requires an 11 gauge "under shot"
wad and a 10 gauge over shot wad to work
2) Lathe-turned -- these shells are a bit
"spendy" [20 three-inch (my interest) .410
shells are about $60] but have the advantage
of matching the inner diameters of the
plastic & paper shells. This makes it
possible for one to use all of the "modern"
components -- except for needing an over-shot
card; or, one can load black powder &
traditional wadding; or, one can mix &
match as needed. See
for sample pricing; better (read "cheaper")
sources may be available.
If you visit the Rocky Mountain Cartridge
site, check out the
page -- the best part of that page, I think,
is where they mention Duco Cement as the over
shot wad glue...
Unless one is "into" making their own wads as
per your procedure,
seems to be a great place to find components.
Even if one wants to make his own for
self-sufficiency purposes, a sample order or
two might save tyros like me a lot of time
getting the materials and sizes "right."
Finally, I tumbled to most of this stuff by
reading the posts at
-- for what it is worth.
If you do decide to edit your pages to
include the "factory-available" brass shells,
please DON'T removed the information on
fire-forming, et cetera. As I said, it looks
like it would be interesting to try some of
your techniques & I'd hate to see the
information get "lost" because there's a
commercial product available.
Sincerely, Larry P, 4.12.08
ANSWER: I anneal all
my brass in hot lead. Wheelweight alloy (89
lead, 1 tin, 10 antimony) melts at 619
F. The reason for using lead for annealing is
to keep the temperature low enough for proper
annealing AND have uniform annealing, and
that is simply not possible using the torch
method. With the propane torch, you stand the
cases upright in a pan of water, heat the
shoulder and neck, and when it glows the case
is tipped over into the water. The case is
heated on one side more than the other, and
in falling over into the water, one side is
quenched before the other side.
I use primed cases, using
fired primers, as that forms an airlock that
keeps lead from entering the case. Then I dip
the case mouth (and about a half inch below
the shoulder) down into the molten lead for
about a count of two, pull it up out of the
lead, tap on the side of the case to remove
any bits of lead (if the lead is really
sticking, the case isn't annealed!), then
drop it mouth down (straight) into a 3 pound
coffee can mostly full of ice water. I have
another can with ice cubes, and every 10
rounds or so I add a few ice cubes to keep
the water cool. I don't use gloves, as if the
case head I'm holding got hot enough to
require gloves, I would be annealing the case
head and primer pocket too -- bad news.
Usually I don't tell
people about this method because they may not
be mentally organized. Water and molten
lead do not mix, and I worry about the
liability angle I
don t assume any liability because
people can t follow directions properly.
Being left handed, I have the cases on the
right side, the lead in the middle, and the
ice water on the left. The cases go only one
direction -- to the left -- and I use only
one hand. Because it only takes a few seconds
per case, I can anneal hundreds of cases in
an hour with this method.
Over three decades ago I
experimented with various methods of
annealing brass, including the torch method.
The reason was that I was that I was making
brass as a commercial reloader specializing
in obsolete and wildcat cartridges. I needed
the cases to last, and fireforming had to be
easy and reliable. I made a lot of 7 mm
Weatherby out of anything belted, from 375 H
& H on down to 300 Win Mag, and that
entailed actually reducing the body
diameter/taper to that of the 300 H & H
case, trimming to 2.555", inside neck
reaming, then fireforming with 15 grains of
Herco and a case of Cream of Wheat. Same
thing with 7 mm Ackley Improved and the
various Gibbs cartridges made from 30-06
brass (with 10 or 12 grains of Herco
depending upon case volume) -- fireforming
was a must.
In my trails, annealing in
lead gave the best results. But I know of one
dude who dropped an ice cube into the lead
pot and got himself (and everything close)
covered with a thin film of hot lead, so I
hesitate to tell just anyone about this
Dave: Being a bit lazy, I
was looking for an easier shell to form that
the 303. Taking a look at the 405 Win, I
think most of the work is already done.
ANSWER: I looked
at the .405 Win, and Hornady does make it
again, but I don't think it would work
without some extra work. The rim diameter of
the .405 Win is 0.543", whereas the rim
diameter of .410's is 0.524". As you know,
the rim is countersunk into the rear face of
the chamber, and .303 Br with a rim diameter
of 0.530" is about maximum to fit the rim
recess in my three .410's...ergo, the rims of
the .405 Win would have to be filed down.
True, the .405 Win has a case length of
2.58", but .410, 2 1/2" shells are only 2.25
OAL, only being .2 1/2" when the crimp is
opened. So the extra length doesn't gain
much. Nice try! Good idea, but .444
Marlin cases are probably better if you don't
want to fireform.
Dave: My point being
this Brass would load 410 x 2.5 virgin right
out of the box. Now my question is, if I
decided to size it and load it with 45 Win
bullets, as the pistol is riffled, what
charge would you recommend. For that matter I
could load it like a shot shell, that just
has a heavier slug, wads and all?
ANSWER: Won't work
right out of the box because of the rim
diameter. But if loaded with 0.454" bullets
of 250 grain weight, a load of 12.5 grains of
Herco would be about maximum....410's are NOT
strong actions.
Dave: I found your Herco
burned at ~59% Bullseye. If I wanted to load
it as a metallic cartridge, would I go with a
slower burn rate or a faster one?
a burning rate chart where Bullseye is 1 and
H-4831 is 100, Herco is 15. It burns in about
9 inches, is a very bulky powder, so it is
about ideal when loading a huge capacity case
with a small amount of powder. 2400 is too
slow for your 9" barrel (burning rate about
22), and Unique is too dense, burns too hot
(temperature), and burns too fast (10 on the
burning rate chart). Bullseye is way to fast
burning for anything but plinker loads. So
we're back to Herco as being the right
burning rate, bulky to help fill the case,
and has a very predictable pressure curve, so
I would stick with Herco and simply load a
.45 Colt load but in the longer case. A
little Dacron fluff (steal from a pillow)
will hold the powder against the primer as
well as cushion the base of the soft lead,
plain base bullet. Right...NOT a jacketed
bullet, but a cast bullet, as the pressure
limitation imposed by the action itself
mitigates for cast bullets over jacketed
bullets with full loads.
course I could just be committing suicide
too.. hehe.
ANSWER: Nah. Just take
it easy and use loads designed for OLD .45
Colt revolvers, and you should be OK. There
are loads on the Internet for .454 Magnums
based on the .45 Colt solid head case, but
the revolvers that fire them weigh more than
a .410 shotgun and have twice as much steel
around the chamber area as a .410
shotgun. Those magnum loads generate up
to 54,000 PSI, whereas the .410 shotgun is
designed for about 14,000 PSI chamber
pressures. There is no way you can
duplicate a .454 Magnum load in a "normal"
.410 shotgun without going into orbit.
Richard. Thank you so much for your
very informative web Site. I found it a
pleasure to read I have a New England
Firearms .410/.45 Colt. It is a rifled 3
slugger. I have successfully made some nice
.45 Colt Magnum rounds. But I am WANTING
MORE ..HEHEH I am having trouble finding
9.3x74R cases so I can use a full 3 or at
least 2.75 of the chamber I know from your
report that a .444 Marlin and the .303 Brit
will work, but those are still a bit
short Any other ideas??? Or maybe suppliers
of the 9.3 s Also can the 9.3 s cases
withstand the pressures that I may be putting
on it My round of choice is a 240 JHP if that
helps, but may be willing to try something in
the 300 gr range if I can find some good hard
cast lead
ANSWER: You have a top
break, single shot action designed in the
1890's as a maritime 10 gauge line throwing
gun. With modern steel and heat treating
techniques, it will take pressures of 50,000
PSI, however, the pressures should be
reasonably limited to about 42 to 45,000 PSI
to keep the action from getting loose. The
9.3 x 74R case was designed to approximate
375 H&H flanged ballistics in a rimmed
case for drillings, so that brass can take
MORE pressure than your rifle can handle! But
that isn't the problem.
You want, I think, to
duplicate .444 Marlin ballistics in your
.410/45 Colt. The best powders for the .454"
expansion ratio of your bore are in the
medium burning rates, NOT the bulky slower
burning rate powders, so you most likely
would be using 4198, 4320 or 4895 (heaviest
bullets), and there is more than enough case
capacity in a .444 Marlin case to achieve the
ballistics you want. The 2.162" length of the
case is not a problem for holding enough
powder, and the powders mentioned, even being
double based, have sufficient deterrent
coating to not cause any appreciable chamber
erosion, so using the shorter case would not
harm your rifle's chamber, and the cases do
not need much alteration of the rim to fit
the rim recess in your rifle. The 9.3 x 74R
rim is both a larger diameter AND thicker
(headspace), so it needs more alteration. I'd
go with the .444 or .303 cases, in my
Of more significance is
the primer pressure limitation. No matter
what the load INSIDE the case, a .45 Colt
case is designed with a shallower primer
pocket for large pistol primers. Those
primers only take 6 to 9 lbs of pressure to
ignite because the cup is thinner, BUT that
thinner cup limits your pressures to well
under 50,000 PSI or the firing pin
indentation will blow through. The .303 or
.444 Marlin cases are designed to accept the
deeper large rifle primers, which take 12 to
15 lbs of striking force to ignite, and can
handle pressures to at least 60,000 PSI.
Given that your rifle will
produce enough energy to reliably ignite
rifle primers, and you are going to be using
rifle powders, I'd be inclined to use the
readily available .303 or .444 Marlin cases
and STANDARD (not magnum!) large rifle
You also have very shallow
rifling, and that mitigates AGAINST cast
bullets, even hard cast bullets. You also
need to consider bullet expansion at the
velocities you will be achieving, and that
means using 240 to 300 grain bullets with
thick jackets designed for upwards of 2,000
FPS, NOT the thin jacketed bullets designed
to expand at 1350 to 1500 FPS in the .45 Colt
or even the .454 Casull. I really hate to
write this, as I'm a cast bullet fan from way
back. I use them exclusively in my 1881 .303
Martini (at 2415 FPS!) and even use them in
my 7mm Wby Mag. But I've got .004" rifling in
those barrels, and you do not have that in
the New England SS, so cast bullets would not
generally give very good accuracy. Sorry.
QUESTION: How do I bell the case
mouth, or remove a dent, without having a
special belling die? And what is the least
expensive way to decap cases?
ANSWER: If you have to round out
the mouth of bent cases, or perhaps even to
slightly bell the case mouth for removing a
previous crimp that is not completely blown
out on firing, use a .30-06 case. It has a
shoulder diameter of 0.441 to 0.447", and a
shoulder angle of 17 degrees. Fill the case
with melted lead for weight and to add inner
strength so the shoulder has enough strength
to last for years. Place the case base down
on a solid surface, put the belling tool in
the case mouth, and rap gently with a light

I took a
30-06 case, ran it into a .280 die to
1/8" from the shoulder to neck it down to
.284" (ID), then ran it into a .270 Win
die 1/4", then filled it with lead. I use
that case for belling the mouths of cases
for loading cast bullets with my portable
reloading kit. It will bell 7mm cases,
.30 caliber cases, and .44 cases, the
first "step" for 7mm created by the .270
die, the .30 caliber "step" created by
the 7mm die, and the shoulder/case body
for .44 - 45 case mouths. I built that
belling tool in the 1960's - 40 years ago
- and it still works perfectly. The
least expensive decapping tool is a
military primer decapping rod, shown at
left. |
NOTE: Obviously I believe
that everyone interested in survival should
have reloading and bullet casting equipment
and supplies, plus reloading data for every
cartridge normally encountered. Keeping
your own rifles and handguns working - as
well as those of your neighbors - would be an
obvious advantage in most any survival
scenario. Full power loads are not
needed for this purpose. Cast bullets at
moderate velocities would be just fine, and
far better than nothing at all! See

Reloading by Miles Stair:
Keep your rifles and
handguns shooting with properly
reloaded ammunition using portable
reloading equipment. Includes tool
selection, adaptable shell holders, and
complete reloading data for
virtually every caliber, including cast
bullet loads -- all with only three
different smokeless powders for
ease of storage and versatility. Twenty
four pages.
[Note: The focus of
this booklet is very specific -
Survival Reloading. I make no attempt
to list max loads for every caliber
with every powder - you can get that
from any reloading manual. I do list
loads for virtually every cartridge
manufactured in the past 120 years,
including many long obsolete, for both
jacketed and cast bullets with only 3
powders: 4985, Herco and Red
A little nostalgia for
long time reloaders. Nosler only
produced bullets in Ashland, OR for a few
months in the late 1940's before moving to
Bend, OR. Winchester made the high
pressure 9mm's for submachine guns only for
the military 50 years ago. The Barnes
bullet box on the right was from one of his
first lots of bullets, well over 40 years

"Those who hammer their
guns into plows will plow for those who do
Thomas Jefferson
1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed
man is a subject.
2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop
on the phone.
3. Gun control is not about guns; it's
about control.
4. If guns are outlawed, can we use
5. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause
misspelled words.
6. Free men do not ask permission to bear
7. If you don't know your rights, you don't
have any.
8. Those who trade liberty for security
have neither.
9. The United States Constitution (c)1791.
All Rights Reserved.
10. What part of "shall not be infringed"
do you not understand?
11. The Second Amendment is in place in
case the politicians ignore the others.
12. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no
one yesterday.
13. Guns only have two enemies; rust and
14. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No
guns, no peace, no safety.
15. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to
stay alive.
16. 911: Government sponsored
17. Assault is a behavior, not a
18. Criminals love gun control; it makes
their jobs safer.
19. If guns cause crime, then matches cause
20. Only a government that is afraid of its
citizens tries to control them.
21. You have only the rights you are
willing to fight for.
22. Enforce the gun control laws we ALREADY
have; don't make more.
23. When you remove the people's right to
bear arms, you create slaves.
24. The American Revolution would never
have happened with gun control.
"Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented
immigrant" is like calling a drug
dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist."