I would like to thank you for the valuable information on
your web site and encourage any new visitors to your site
to heed your recommendations.
Foolish Logic Or A Logical Fool?
What is a survivalist? Many have the view that they are
uneducated, government hating, gun loving, poor, hicks
from the sticks capable of subsisting on worms and bark
in the wilderness. That certainly doesn t describe me.
Nor does it describe the thousands of middle class
working people in this country who have come to
understand that there could come a time when they, and
they alone, would be responsible for their safety and
If you prepare for bad times there are only two possible
outcomes. Either you will end up needing the preparations
you have made, or you will not. Lets look at each
What are the odds that your preparations would mean the
difference between life or death? Is that the only
criterion? Would it be worth the effort if it were just
the difference between alive but terrified as you became
a refuge with the masses instead of being in control of
your destiny in the location you have chosen?
I don t know what the odds are and nobody does. However
the odds of a home fire are 1 in 1200, which is a .00083
percent chance. Yet, most of us have home fire insurance.
The odds of needing auto insurance are 1 in 250, a .004%
chance and most of us have car insurance.
If the odds of a Weapons of Mass Destruction attack on
this country was only 1%, you would be a fool not to at
least take rudimentary steps to protect against it. One
rogue nuclear bomb exploded in mid air to create and
EMP black out scenario and your
preparations certainly would mean the difference between
life and death. I believe that a scenario such as that is
much more likely than a home fire and much more life
threatening. Not having insurance for such a thing seems
pretty foolish to me. If you think the government will
take care of you, you are a fool.
Is a 1% chance a valid number? What if I told you that
there is a guy that went from a poor college student to
one of the world s richest men by being and expert at
predicting what the future held in the financial world.
This man said We're going to have something in the way
of a major nuclear event in this country," He said. "It
will happen. Whether it will happen in 10 years or 10
minutes, . . . it's virtually a certainty."
For those a little rusty on your math, a virtually
certainty means pretty much a 100 percent chance of
occurring. Famed investment guru Warren Buffet said that
on May 7, 2002. Buffet is arguably one of the most
logical and non-emotional intellects of our time.
What if he, and Miles and the Department of Homeland
Security and everyone else telling you to prepare are
wrong? Say you go to the effort and expense and never
need it? I would tell you that it s still worth
Knowing that come what may you and your family will be
okay gives a person comfort and confidence. That
confidence is translated into the way you carry yourself
in public. That benefits you in whatever you are trying
to do to get ahead in this world. Does it not give you
comfort that you have fire insurance even though you have
never needed it?
An all out disaster is not the only threat we have in
today s world. In my estimation parking lots,
particularly at night can be dangerous places, especially
for women. I don t want my wife or children running to
the grocery store several times a week for a few items.
Not only dangerous but a poor use of time, gas and so on.
Our stored items have allowed us to keep grocery store
trips to one per week during daylight hours.
Lastly, what if you think making preparations is a good
idea but your spouse thinks its foolish. Pre 9/11 there
was more of an excuse to consider such things extreme.
And yet after that wake up call your spouse is still
sleeping. That s a tough one. Now, everyone is telling
you to do it. DHS, the Red Cross, the Los Angeles Fire
department all have devoted significant resources on
their web sites telling the masses to be ready. Never
allow a family member to make you feel that such thoughts
are crazy and consider using some of these mainstream
sources to educate them.
Short of that either prepare without their cooperation or
find a new spouse. I am not big on divorce but the Bible
does speak of being equally yoked . The thing not to do
is nothing because that would be foolish.
Brian H