
"A conflict in North Korea would be probably the worst
kind of fighting in most people's lifetimes. Why do I
say this? The North Korean regime has hundreds of
artillery cannons and rocket launchers within range of
one of the most densely populated cities on Earth, which
is the capital of South Korea," Mattis said.”
Sources: 3rd US Naval Strike Force
Deployed to Deter North Korea
Last Updated: May 27, 2017 11:40 AM
The United States is sending a third
aircraft carrier strike force to the western Pacific
region in an apparent warning to North Korea to deter
its ballistic missile and nuclear
programs, two sources have told VOA.
The USS Nimitz, one of the world's
largest warships, will join two other supercarriers, the
USS Carl Vinson and the USS Ronald Reagan, in the
western Pacific, the sources told
Significant: @USNavy deploying #CVN68
(USS Nimitz) to Western Pacific, meaning there'll soon
be three carrier-led strike forces in region.
- Steve Herman (@W7VOA) May 27, 2017
The U. S. military has rarely
simultaneously deployed three aircraft carriers to the
same region.
But North Korea's growing nuclear and
missile threat is seen as a major security challenge for
President Donald Trump, who has vowed to prevent the
country from being able
to strike the U. S. with a nuclear
missile, a capability experts say Pyongyang could have
some time after 2020.
Missile launched by North Korea landed in the Sea of
Japan, poses threat to Japanese ships and planes.-
Japanese Govt. Spokesperson
North Korea fired a new missile, according to South
Korea's military, its 9th this year and the latest act
of provocation by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in the
face of widespread international pressure.
Yonhap News, which was the first to report the test,
said the country fired off what appeared to be a
ballistic missile near the North Korean coast early
Monday local time. The test comes as Kim has reportedly
supervised test runs of new anti-aircraft weapons, and
continues to heighten tensions on the Peninsula.
"North Korea launched an unidentified projectile from a
site in the vicinity of Wonsan in Gangwon Province at
dawn today," a statement by South Korea's military
confirmed. The launch was reported to newly-elected
president, Moon Jae-in, who backs a sunshine policy with
North Korea. Moon ordered a national security meeting to
convene at 730 am local time, the statement added.
North Korea — which has openly defied 3 U.S. presidents
while stymieing efforts to resolve the crisis
multilaterally— appears to be testing the resolve of the
United States. Officials in recent days have stated
unequivocally that the "strategic patience" cultivated
with North Korea was drawing to a close, but the country
has conducted at least eight missile tests this year.
President Donald Trump, just returning from his first
official visit overseas, has warned that military action
against North Korea was on the table, regardless of the
risks. Trump told CBS in a recent interview that 'we'll
see' if an armed confrontation was needed to deter Kim's
ambitions, but expressed optimism that pressure from
China could be brought to bear on the nation.
In an interview on Sunday with CBS's "Face the Nation,"
Defense Secretary James Mattis cautioned that a conflict
with the hermetic Communist nation "would be probably
the worst kind of fighting in most people's lifetimes,"
and could be "catastrophic" if not resolved
"A conflict
in North Korea would be probably the worst kind of
fighting in most people's lifetimes. Why do I say this?
The North Korean regime has hundreds of artillery
cannons and rocket launchers within range of one of the
most densely populated cities on Earth, which is the
capital of South Korea," Mattis said.”
S. Korea condemns N.K.
provocation, vows to take stern action
Ex-Navy SEAL:
WWIII Is Here and World Must Admit It
Bill Hoffmann | Monday, 02 Mar 2015 04:39 PM
Jordan's King Abdullah is right on the money - World War
III has broken out, former Navy SEAL and FBI agent
Jonathan Gilliam says.
But unfortunately, according to Gilliam, the world has
yet to acknowledge it's in a life-or-death struggle with
terror groups such as the Islamic State (ISIS).
"This is the first unconventional world war we've ever
had. It is World War III. Unfortunately, the world
hasn't figured that out yet," Gilliam said Monday on
"The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.
Gilliam said he agreed with Abdullah, who on Sunday said
the fight to defeat ISIS is a "third World War by other
"If [terrorists] keep going the way they're going, the
roots are going to be able to spread all around the
globe to a much greater extent than they are right now,"
Gilliam said.
A prime example, Gilliam added, is the fact that terror
group Boko Haram is now producing its own propaganda
videos and posting them on the Internet, just like ISIS
with its gruesome beheading videos.
"Before, none of these groups thought about videos and
high production stuff," Gilliam said. "Now, they see
with this World War, [they can use the] same
1,400-year-old tactics, but now they can launch this
terror across the World Wide Web."
Gilliam - president of United States Continued Service,
which helps employ military veterans - believes
terrorism grows through "our lack of forward thinking
and our lack of aggressive stance when it comes to
battling this war."
possible military 'perfect storm' closer to reality
Posted: Sunday, March 30, 2014 6:00 am
With the recent blatant military aggression of Putin and
Russia into Crimea, the possibility of a military
“perfect storm” becomes more of a reality, and it is
Add to Russia’s ambitions of regaining the Baltic states
of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and those of North
Korea wanting South Korea, China wanting Taiwan and Iran
wanting to destroy Israel, and you have the potential
coordinated mix of adversaries that believe the enemy of
my enemy is my friend. The enemy of all of these
nations, led by ruthless tyrants, is the United States.
Just as we did not anticipate Pearl Harbor or the attack
on 9/11, I wonder if we have given any serious thought
to the following possibility. If, on a given day, North
Korea attacks South Korea, China attacks Taiwan, Iran
attacks Israel and Russia attacks the Baltic states of
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, what do we do? We have a
war-weary citizenry, an indecisive president and a
military that has a diminished worldwide ability to
defend our nation and our allies, especially if the
attacks were in multiple regions of the world at the
same time.
None of these regional invasions would be on the United
States directly, although we are treaty-bound to defend
South Korea, Taiwan and Israel and as a member of NATO
we need to defend the Baltic state members of NATO.
Putin has shown that he can get away with annexing a
part of the Ukraine. Putin’s annexation of Crimea
mirrors the annexation of Austria by Hitler in 1938. In
both instances Hitler and Putin were seen as heroes by
their own people and most of the people that were
invaded and annexed.
Secretary of State John Kerry has become our Neville
Chamberlain, serving a president whose indecisive
leadership and Nobel Prize credential only whets the
appetite of tyrants around the world.
Our enemies, emboldened by our lack of leadership, might
decide to combine their aggressive ambitions in four
regional military actions coordinated in the same time
frame. That coordinated action then puts our military in
a very difficult decision of fighting in four regional
theaters of war with conventional weapons or going
nuclear. Now factor in the opportunity that this
combined aggression might also allow the anti-American
terrorist groups to do harm to us in a murderous way,
and we could find ourselves in the most precarious
situation since World War II.
Admittedly, this is high stakes military poker in which
China, Russia, Iran and North Korea would all bet we
would not go to all-out nuclear war and that we also do
not have the military forces to fight effectively in
four regional theaters simultaneously.
Putin’s action in securing Crimea has certainly
stimulated his dream of rebuilding the old Soviet Union,
and it has also emboldened our other adversaries.
President Obama has already clearly signaled Putin that
if he wants the rest of Ukraine that we will sit on the
sidelines. If that happens, then the military perfect
storm could potentially face the United States and our
allies, all of whom depend on us.
I have yet to see any military analysis from our
national leadership that contemplates that four of our
adversaries, with long-time geographic ambitions, might
coordinate their military attacks to force us to fight a
conventional war in four theaters with a diminished
military, go nuclear or fight with a limited capacity.
Just as we could not fathom that the Japanese would
attack Pearl Harbor in 1941 or that North Korea would
attack South Korea in 1950, I don’t think that we have
given serious thought to the possibility of four nations
seeking territory or revenge launching a coordinated
military action on a regional basis.
Yes, the ingredients of a military perfect storm do
exist, and as best I can tell we are not prepared for
such a possibility, militarily or at the presidential
level. Certainly the proposed deep cuts in our military
budget suggest no thought has been given to this
scenario. Never underestimate your potential enemies.
Read the Nuclear War
Preparations page - that information is
rather timely right now. In the event
that nuclear bombs are used in ground
penetration mode in an attempt to destroy
Iranian bunkers, we could expect tertiary
fallout on North America within a day or
two. If necessary, I will take
radiation readings frequently with my survey
meter and post the results as often as
necessary on the jet
stream page. Also see
Iranian Nuke Attack on US Easy as
EMP? Nov. 18,
Nuclear war is
Kim Jong-il's game
Source Warns of North Korea's EMP Bomb
- Sept.
War with Iran a war
that would unleash an apocalyptic scenario in
the Middle East is probable by the end of the
Is the US Navy vulnerable in the
Gulf? The Myth of US
We face many different
types of "war" in the near future, and each
requires specialized preparations. The
anticipated avian flu pandemic can be
considered as biological warfare, for
example. But with the U. S. planning a
bombing campaign on Iran which involves
nuclear weapons, we must be prepared for
retaliation. Click here to
read more about nuclear war
A U. S. Attack on
Iran: The Perfect Storm for wider nuclear
Nuclear Attack and Invasion of United
Bush orders
contingency plans for attack on
U.S. (May 10,
Experts: U. S. unprepared
for nuclear terror
Putin Not Able To Track
"Intelligence and military
sources in the United States and abroad are
reporting on various factors that indicate a
U.S. military hit on Iranian nuclear and
military installations, that may involve
tactical nuclear weapons, is in the final
stages of preparation."
January 3,
Day One - The War With
"The war began as planned.
The Israeli pilots took off well before dawn
and streaked across Lebanon and northern
Iraq, high above Kirkuk. Flying US-made F-15
and F-16s, the Israelis separated over the
mountains of western Iran, the pilots
gesturing a last minute show of confidence in
their mission, maintaining radio silence.
Just before the sun rose over Tehran, moments
before the Muslim call to prayer, the
missiles struck their targets. While US Air
Force AWACS planes circled
overhead--listening, watching,
recording--heavy US bombers followed minutes
later. Bunker-busters and mini-nukes fell on
dozens of targets while Iranian anti-aircraft
missiles sped
WorldNetDaily.com has
revealed Al-Qaida nukes are
already in U. S., and where, how and when
they most likely will be used. See
al-Qaida has nukes, why wait to use
them? It should be obvious
that the following article on
war preparations is more important than
ever. In fact, the reason for this
entire web site should be very clear! I
urge everyone to go to the Site Index and begin
picking out articles to read and save.
In particular, start with Survival In the
City so you will know why preparations
are so
FEMA is now recommending at least a two week
stock of food and
for Nuclear Terror
"In a few days or weeks, everyone
who has not prepared for disaster will
panic." I would like for you to
realize that you may have already
waited too long to properly prepare,
and if you wait much longer, it will be
too late to buy gold, guns, and
groceries. ... The name of the game
will be survival, only survival. Forget
the job since it will be gone. Your
Social Security or pension check? Don't
count on it. Protection from local
authorities? Probably not. You will be
on your
Don Boys, former
member of the Indiana House of
Representatives, August 10,
All seven of
Hard Times Survival Made
Booklets, revised and
expanded, are now available in
Adobe Acrobat 7.0.
8. "Family
Shelter Designs" - Office of
Civil Defense, 30
EMP - How EMP could
be employed against the US.
10. EMP - Practical
Protection, by Miles
11. Nuclear War Survival
Skills book by Cresson Kearney,
527 pages.
12. Recovery from Nuclear
Attack, 24 pages.
13. Survival and Austere
Medicine - full 213 page
14. Infection Control for
Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers, 210
15. Emergency Food and Water
16. Disinfecting Exposed
Surfaces. 17.
Preparing for the Coming Influenza
Pandemic 18.
Versatile mini kerosene heaters you can
make. 19.
Circular wick reading lamps - care and
feeding of. 20.
Kerosene heaters and stoves - photos,
21. Nuclear Weapons
Effects; 37 pages.
22. Defense Against Toxic
Weapons; 60 pages.
23. Field Management of
Chemical Casualties Handbook;
129 pages.
24. Medical Management of
Biological Casualties; 182
25. Medical Aspects:
Chemical and Biological Warfare,
US Military; 5,374
pages! 26 - 30. Information to enhance survival
during times of civil insurrection or rebellion.
31. Foods
That Will Win The War And How To Cook Them (1918),
126 pages.
32. Planning Guidance for a Nuclear Detonation.
Homeland Security. 97 pages.
33. Shelters, Shacks and Shanties. 274 pages. 1914.
How to build shelter in the woods.
34. Appleton's Cyclopedia of Applied Mechanics:
Mechanical Engineering and the Mechanical Arts.
1884. 999 pages, 5,000 illustrations. Fabulous
reference for how things worked before the age of
35. Deadfalls and Snares. 248 pages. 1907.
Comprehensive work on catching things.
36. Hungry Forties. 291 pages. Meals and living in a
terrible government-induced depression. 1904.
44 articles/books in total, many with unique
survival information unavailable anywhere else.
And the
Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0
All this for $13.95
plus S&H.
This web site is also
available on CD in HTML format - plays on any computer, for
only $13.95 |
Both CD's
listed above, shipped quickly, only
preparations are not simply for a war
declared by Congress or a terrorist nuclear
attack. We are
in a guerilla war there that could last for
years - Viet Nam revisited. George
Tenet, CIA Director, said on February 23,
2004 that the United States will be menaced
by Islamic extremism
"for the foreseeable future" - a war with
no end. Those preparations could
well be needed at any time - virtually
instantly - to save your life and that of
your loved ones. Unprecedented earth
changes are underway right now, and the
governments of many countries are preparing
for a disaster, including the instant
ordering of the evacuation of entire
states or areas within a
state. Even so, recent testimony
shows the government is ill
prepared and giving bad advice on
evacuation during emergencies even while the
is planning for Martial Law. (Another

Secret FEMA Plan
To Use Pastors as Pacifiers in Preparation
For Martial
Being prepared to evacuate to
safety is not just for a war or
terrorist strike, of course.
America is woefully unprepared for the
looming avian flu
EPIDEMIC - October 8,
If such an outbreak occurred,
hospitals would become overwhelmed,
riots would engulf vaccination clinics,
and even power and food would be in
short supply, according to the plan,
which was obtained by The New York
Times.... The plan outlines a
worst-case scenario in which more than
1.9 million Americans would die and 8.5
million would be hospitalized with
costs exceeding $450
FEMA is now recommending
at least a two week stock of food and
March 17, 2006: In "Preparing
For a Pandemic," Darlene
Washington, the director of disease
prevention education at the American
Red Cross said "...we encourage
families to have supplies on hand like
flashlights and batteries, matches.
Hand-cranked or battery-operated
U. S.
Plan For Flu Pandemic Revealed -
April 16, 2006
On February 24, 2004, Edgar
Steele said: "...you need to ensure that you
personally prepare for the coming hard
times. Some will think you nuts. But,
there are things you can do quietly and
covertly, even in that context. Most
you must plan now and be ready to
implement that plan the moment the wheels
come off. If you live in a city, you need to
plan how to get out in the event of a
catastrophe. Immediately. Not the next day.
Not that night. Immediately." Edgar
Steele was ahead of his
An excellent reason of why
people should prepare was sent to me by a
reader of this web site. Click here and see if
you can fault his logic. Remember,
America could become a 3rd World nation
overnight from any number of
You will want to leave a
target area quickly, before you are
ordered to evacuate and forced into a
government shelter (and searched: no firearms
or personal protection allowed). The
areas ordered evacuated can be
parts of a State, or an entire State.
Yes, the government has already done their
planning and can
order an entire state evacuated, as the
false announcement for Connecticut on Feb. 1,
2005 proves
If you live in a large
city, you should be prepared to evacuate if
you plan to survive, and that means leaving
quickly with your preparations intact and
following a pre-planned route on side roads
to your ultimate destination. If you live in
a safe area, you will still need to know what
is happening and why, particularly if your
area is designated as a "host zone" for an
The primary target in any conflict
is always the infrastructure: electricity,
water, sewer, food warehouses, rail systems,
highway bridges, etc. Large cities will be
obvious targets. The loss of
electricity alone would be the end of
civilization as we know it, as it would take
decades to rebuild that essential
infrastructure. The primary
objective of a terrorist attack is
ultimately to destroy the economy and thus
bring the country to it's knees, so
everything is fair game, domestic or
In the event of terrorist use of any
chemical, biological or even "dirty" nuclear
weapons, the survivors will be those who
evacuate the cities. Unless they have
prepared to travel "off road" to safety,
those left behind will be known as
"victims," as freeways most probably
will be closed quickly by Martial Law:
only the first to leave will make it using
the Eisenhower Military Highway System, now
known simply as "freeways." Yes, that is
correct. The so-called "freeways" are in fact
military roads which can be closed at their
Do what you can to prepare
now by taking the easy steps first,
rather than simply sit back and dream about a
fully stocked, remote retreat. A 48
hour pack to carry in your vehicle at all
times is a good beginning. Then build
up your supply of "camping" gear, including
dried food, a tent, camo tarps, medical kit,
etc. Most of this equipment is
available very inexpensively from
surplus store

this new age of terrorist bombings, a
bandanna, a small bottle of water and a
safety pin should be carried at all
times. If caught near a terrorist
blast of any kind, the bandanna should
be folded into a triangle, put over the
nose and tied behind the head. The
safety pin can secure the knot. The
bandanna should then be saturated with
water. The wet cotton will filter out
almost all dust and keep your nose,
mouth and lungs clear of most toxic
fumes and particles - including
radioactive or toxic particles!
The small kit should also include a
small Clip-Lite and
a small razor knife
for cutting bandages, curtains blocking
your path, etc.
A good water bottle to
carry is a small but sturdy plastic bottle,
such as the kind for purse carry of
"Waterless Hand Cleaner." The water bottle
shown above is larger, but perfect to put
into a storage bin in your vehicle. The
bandanna is about a dollar, most everyone has
large safety pins laying about, and from my
Shop you can buy a Clip-Lite for $3.25
and a razor knife for $1.95. Total cost
for a package small enough to always be with
you - less than $10.00. Using a smaller
water bottle, all of these items will fit
into a Multi-Purpose Carry
Case and always be
Remember the images of
people exiting the area of the WTC buildings
on 9/11 and the London bombings of 7/7, their
faces covered with soot and gasping for
breath? Many of them had severe lung
problems from breathing toxic fumes and
inhaling dust particles. A wet bandanna
will cover the nose, mouth and neck,
providing good protection from dust and
debris and filtering out most toxic
fumes...very simple and cheap
insurance. It's worked for cowboys
caught on the open range in dust storms, and
it works fine now. And yes, cowboys used a
safety pin, 'cept they didn't call it
that. Look closely at the bottom of the
photo below and you will see a genuine, gold
plated buckaroo "bandanna pin." A
large safety pin will work just as
well. Be sure to thoroughly wash and
dry the bandanna before use to remove any
starch and dust in the
Survival equipment can be portable with
the use of a large wheeled garden cart. If
dirty nukes or biological weapons are used in
a large city, leaving quickly,
silently and as
inconspicuously as possible may
very well save your life. The
"unthinkable" is being planned, even
though the only mention of it so far is in
the UK media.

The "camping"
equipment mentioned above can be stored
in a remarkably small area, even a
storage shed, including a "Foldit"
garden cart (www.NorthernTool.com
, Item #
14473). In an emergency evacuation, the
cart can be unfolded, supplies loaded,
and in a few minutes you can be on your
way to safety - on trails, not roads!
The principle here is to get
lost, not found.
Do not forget the advantages of burying
some essential equipment in a nearby forested
area, if you do not have a pre-planned
retreat already arranged with relatives or
friends who live in the countryside. It
is entirely possible that someone might want
what you have before you get a chance to
leave, and having buried "extras" is very
cheap insurance. Remember, you will
need adequate shelter
to survive.

Everyone has a choice, of
Most people are not prepared and
depend upon the government to take care
of them. Little people with large
egos will dictate to which crowded
shelter they are assigned, what they
can eat, even what they can possess -
and self defense items will be
prohibited. The "authorities" will wear
cute little arm bands, such as the one
I scanned at left.

fully stocked larder won't last
forever, so I recommend you have garden
tools, garden seeds, proper fencing,
and knowledge of gardening.
Traditional gardening might not be
viable in a the immediate aftermath of
a nuclear war, but a small
greenhouse covered with a simple hoop
and plastic cover would be extremely
useful as a supply of fresh produce -
and keep fallout particles out of the
food. Then be prepared for very
long term gardening with
rotation of crops for as long a growing season as
The knowledge you can gain
from reading this web site, the ones linked
above and my
booklets, and the information will have
to come from radio, perhaps international
shortwave radio, to know what is
happening at that moment. Armed with
knowledge and information, you will be
able to make the correct decisions to take
decisive action when it is needed to
survive whatever is to come, but only if you
prepare now, while it is still
possible to do
Virtually all of this
entire web site is devoted to giving you
information and encouraging you to use that
knowledge to prepare. On this page, I
encourage you to purchase products for
survival. Why? In the event of a war or even
an avian flu pandemic, virtually nothing will
be available. Everyone will want
supplies, and suppliers only carry a limited
inventory that could be sold out in a day -
if the Internet still works - and
local supplies would quickly disappear from
the shelves. Supplies and information
in hand - real hardcopy - are all you may
have for survival. I cannot help you if
you do not help yourself - now, while
there is still time to do