
Miles has everything from shortwave
to wind-up radios and scanners -- reliable
communications will be crucial in the days
ahead. Clockwise from back: 1953 Zenith
TransOceanic; classic BayGen; small Solar and
windup AM-FM radio (black), Uniden Bearcat 30
channel programmable scanner (laying on its
side); red "Dynamo" wind up AM-FM &
flashlight; and left, Cobra hand held 40
channel CB with portable antenna and power
cord in fitted case.
Miles Stair
are living in an age of instant communication
from radio to internet, telephone, not to
mention television and newspapers. We are a
media informed society. The sudden lack of
information resulting from virtually any
national or world wide catastrophe will be as
startling and demoralizing as any other
deprivation. We need information...we crave
it. Most important, in any disaster situation
we must be able to receive all the
information possible in order to maximize our
protection to better survive the
Emergency communications can be broken
down into several categories: sending and
receiving, or receiving only.
long distance sending and receiving, only
"ham" radios will work. Unfortunately, this
is not the place for a discussion of them, as
the available information easily fills many
books. If you need this information, search
the web. There are ham radio's available that
are fitted into a small suitcase, one side of
which is composed of a solar panel with gel
cell batteries behind the panel. These are
expensive, need a long antenna array to work
properly, and require a good deal of practice
and skill to operate reliably.
Those who like to experiment may find that a
antenna will work instead of a highly
visible tall antenna tower.
range sending and receiving is now the
province of FRS/GMRS radios. In the
past few years new models have become
available which are reliable, inexpensive,
and charge from both 110 and 12 volt power
sources. The difference in range
between the 4 and 5 watt units is not great,
but the price difference is! A small
GMRS radio
enable one to coordinate communications (and
therefore actions) with neighbors and
friends. Be sure to set each unit to an
unusual frequency, say channel 18 - 1, so
everyone within distance can send and receive
easily. The distance limitation of the
units depends considerably on the
terrain. One sharp mountain ridge
blocks the signal, even though a 4 watt unit
says they are good for 12 miles or so, and a
5 watt unit up to 15 miles, as that
measurement is across flat ground. With
low ridge lines, reliable transmission is
limited to about 4 or 5 miles...but for short
range communications, that is enough for use
by "lookouts."
medium range sending and receiving, portable
hand held CB units are relatively
inexpensive, have a range of at least 5
miles, and operate off a 12 volt DC battery
source. The battery may be recharged with a
solar panel. For "citizen patrols," the
CB radio concept is ideal. With 40 channels
available, it is possible to switch
frequencies on the hour, for example, to
lessen the chance of alerting the wrong
people of the intended consequences of their
being spotted. Just remember that anyone,
even the bad guys, can listen in and
therefore know what is being said.
is a virtually unlimited variety of radios
available for AM, FM and SW reception. In
addition, hand held scanners are available
which will scan virtually all available civil
and military channels except the cell phone
frequencies. The best information, of course,
will come from sources outside our country,
and that means listening to shortwave
broadcasts at night. Knowing which
frequencies to listen for on shortwave gets
complicated, so a
shortwave frequency guide is a
big help. For local scanning with a hand held
scanner, check the scanner
frequency guide for helpful
need to limit the selection of radios to
those which are self-powered or operate off
batteries which can be recharged in a solar
charger, as depending upon 110 volt AC power
from the normal utility grid won't work when
power doesn't or is down permanently. The
radio above, for example, will last about 150
hours on a set of recharged NiMH "AA"
batteries, is tiny and has incredible
reception, which is why I carry it here for
sale. Of all my radios (see photo at
top), this is the one I use the
Radios with a built in generator are
relatively common. The "Dynamo" is
inexpensive, receives AM and FM only, and the
generator when hand cranked charges a NiCad
battery pack similar to those in cordless
telephones. The red colored "Dynamo" has
adequate reception, is relatively sturdy, and
the sound quality from the speaker is clear
enough for prolonged listening. I keep a
spare battery pack from a cordless phone
always available with mine, as without a
battery pack the Dynamo won't receive. The
Dynamo does not have a ferrite loop AM
antenna: the main extendable antenna is also
used for AM. This is a distinct advantage, as
a separate, longer antenna may be used,
connected to the Dynamo's antenna with a
small alligator clip, and reception is
markedly improved. I have had a Dynamo for
almost 15 years now, and consider it a good
back up unit for emergency use.

smaller, black "Solar, Dynamo" radio has a
small solar panel on top and a rather flimsy
crank handle for a generator. An advantage is
that they will operate off two AA batteries,
which are far more common than the battery
pack required by the "Dynamo" radio.
Reception is poor and sound quality
abysmal. After a lot of
experimentation, I have found the reliability
of the GP-4L
radio and a solar battery charger to be a
better combination than a small wind up
radio, at about the same price as a wind up
radio alone. And, the reception is the
same as the vastly larger BayGen wind up
years, the finest reception and quality for
AM, FM and shortwave available before 2005
came from the original, or "classic," BayGen
radio. (Now, the tiny GP-4L Survival
Radio is 1/10th the price and 1/100th the size and
weight!) The South African made BayGen
radio used a hand crank to wind a flat
spring, similar to the turn of the century
Regina music boxes. Once wound, the spring
unwinds slowly, turning a generator which
operates the radio: there are no batteries in
the system. The spring winding mechanism is
rated as good for 5000 cycles, so they will
last for a considerable amount of time. The BayGen has a large transformer built into the
system, so it will operate on any DC power
input from 3 to 9 volts. For listening in
daylight hours, a solar charger with a pig
tail will operate the radio just fine, so the
cranking mechanism need not be used until
dark. Even then, if the spring breaks or the
generator fails, the radio can be used at
night by plugging in a Recoton battery
adapter (see
#11, Home Built Items, for details) from
a 12 volt DC auto battery and stepping down
the output to 7.5 volts or so, and the BayGen
operates happily.

about eight pounds, nobody could call the
classic BayGen a really portable radio. But
the reception and sound quality are very
high, as is the reliability. Newer BayGen2
radios made in China have been known to break
more frequently than the classic South
African unit, so even though they are
smaller, lighter and less expensive, I prefer
the classic BayGen. To give you an example of
their outstanding reception, I have been able
to pick up BBC AM from Alberta,
Canada, here in southern Oregon! Shortwave
reception is also outstanding, particularly
with a windup extension antenna strung up
along the top of a window
Larger battery operated radios also work
very well for emergencies. The excellent GE
Super III AM and FM radio runs on six "D"
NiCad's for months at a time. Reception with
the super heterodyne system is excellent, and
sound quality is above average. Quality of
the unit is only fair, though: I had to
replace the on/off push switch with a Radio
Shack toggle switch, but that was after many
years of use. The disadvantage of operating
from six "D" batteries is apparent: solar
charger require 9 to 12 hours to recharge a
pair of NiCad's, so it is imperative to have
a large quantity of spare NiCad's and keep
some charging all the time, so six fully
charged batteries will be available when
needed. See
Choosing a Survival Radio, by
New England Gardener.

SCANNERS such as the Uniden BC80XLT have
50 programmable channels, but other, less
expensive models with 30 programmable
channels will work just as well (I have a 30
channel 10 band Uniden Bearcat scanner, for
example, that cost only $60 from Damark).
They can also be set to scan "ranges" of
frequencies (all but the cell phone
frequencies), so you can listen in to all of
the police, fire, or most military
communications. This feature is most
desirable, as many of the emergency radios
now are frequency agile: they send on one
frequency and receive on another. By being
able to scan the entire range of frequencies
you can listen in on both sides of the
conversation! My Uniden operates off four AA
NiCad's, and runs for a long time before
requiring recharging. It can also be operated
off the from a Recoton battery adaptor and a
12 volt battery, or actually straight 12 volt
DC input, if needed. Being small, hand held
portables, they consume their power input in
sips that may be supplied by NiCad batteries,
whereas the larger desktop scanners are
virtually all dependent upon a 110 volt

Faraday Cage (below each radio above) is
mighty cheap insurance to make sure your
radio stays in operating
#11, Home Built Items) are virtually
mandatory for the radios mentioned above.
Why? Because these radios are meant to be
used in an emergency, and unless they are
protected against electromagnetic pulse
bursts (EMP), the electronics can be fried,
and then they are useless. Old tube type
radios such as the Zenith TransOceanic are
not susceptible to EMP to any great degree,
but do have distinct disadvantages. While
designed to operate from a battery pack, the
batteries are simply not available now. Also,
the tubes are getting very rare and
expensive. I have a 1953 Zenith TransOceanic
and love it, but the darn thing is huge,
heavy, and it requires 110 volt input to
ALL ELSE FAILS it is still possible to have a
neighborhood communication "alert" system
just like the old days, using a loud bell and
a known code for the number of chimes (1
chime = alert; 2 = major alert; 3 = immediate
danger, etc). Large brass bells are a thing
of the past or extremely expensive, cast iron
bells are fragile and mostly for "atmosphere"
and looks, but you can build a good bell
steel used in 5 or 7 gallon propane tanks is
of high quality, and the older tanks which
are often available for free are very thick
and strong. Removing the valves and flooding
the tank with water removes any danger of
residual propane gas exploding. Then the top
of the tank may be cut off and the tank hung
upside down by the base. Struck with a wooden
mallet, these "bells" have a remarkably loud
sound which carries for a considerable