The following article was sent to me
by a reader who has considerable experience in the world
of short wave and SSB. I present you with
information which may be of value in a near future world
in which having a SSB or ham radio antenna on a
tall tower may simply be advertising for trouble.
"Out of sight, out of mind" is an old aphorism which may
be even more applicable in a world gone mad.
1. Drive a ground rod (at least 4')
into ground where green stuff is growing. Green stuff
indicates moisture = conductivity.
2. Get a run of coaxial cable. (any kind)
3. Connect INTERIOR wire to ground rod. DO NOT connect
shield conductor to ANYTHING! (Tape it)
4. Run coax to your radio.
5. Connect INTERIOR wire to your whip antenna. DON'T
connect sheath conductor to ANYTHING! (Tape it)
You will be ASTOUNDED at your reception. I dabled with
this in my youth. IT WORKS! No one really knows why. This
technology is an offshot of Nicoli Tesla's work which has
been SUPPRESSED! This particular aspect of "Tesla
Technology" was abandoned in the 1930's,
At any rate, it has a survivalist application.