
Miles Stair
We are in the last
days, the End Times. The prophecies might as
well be etched in stone. We can prepare for the
hard times ahead -- war, drought, famine
--while there is still time. Preparations can
save our loved ones. Remember the virgins at
the well?
There will be warning signs, and we
must "be on watch" (Luke 21:36). Scripture
tells us that when "signs begin to happen,
stand erect and raise your heads because your
redemption is at hand." (Luke 21:28)
Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima said in 1959
that we were already living in the end times
(Revelation Chapter 13). Father
Don Stefano Gobbi warned we were in the
third and last period of the Antichrist -- the
harvest of the Earth (Revelation Chapter 14).
We are staring "tribulation" in the
What "signs" are imminent?
Earthquakes, catastrophic weather changes,
famine, wars, plagues, and of course signs in
the skies (sun, moon and stars). These heavenly
signs may appear as "mother nature" working
overtime, or not-quite-explainable phenomena,
but considered together they are signs of
universal confirmation.
We have all seen signs of the
catastrophic weather changes. Art Bell wrote a
book about them, titled The Quickening.
Right now three-fourths of the earth is tightly
gripped in the vise of drought, and famine will
surely follow. Think of the mega-tornado that
devastated Oklahoma last year with wind speeds
in excess of 300 miles per hour. The storms
with straight-line winds that devastated France
in December, 1999, leveling forests over a vast
area. The June, 1999 CME (Coronal Mass
Ejection), an explosive event that was indeed
"a real planet-buster," according to Dr.
Richard Fisher of NASA, that fortunately headed
away from earth this time.

Return to God while
there's time.
Conchita of Garabandal has clearly said
that Our Lady has promised a greater miracle in
Garabandal so that all may believe. "The sign
that will remain," says Conchita, "will be able
to be seen, photographed and televised but it
will not be able to be touched. It will appear
clearly that it is something not of this world,
but of God."
But before the miracle comes
"The Warning." Conchita wrote: "The warning
comes directly from God and will be visible to
the whole world and from any place where anyone
may happen to be. It will be like the
revelation of our sins and it will be seen and
felt by everyone, believer and unbeliever
alike, irrespective of whatever religion he may
belong to. It will be seen and felt in all
parts of the world and by every person." [Note:
The prophecies of Garabandal have not received
Vatican imprimatur, but Cardinal Bernard Law of
Boston did. I leave it to you to decide
who or what to believe.]
Personal devotion
& prayer in your home is
every bit as important as
physical preparation.
Above: pre-Vatican 1 tabernacle
(left) and altar (right), circa
1882; designed for horseback
carry and used by a circuit
riding priest in the high
desert area of SE Oregon, NW
Nevada, and SW Idaho for many
decades until discarded after
Vatican II. They are mine
Padre Pio spoke of the
Three Days of Darkness, a warning not to
frighten, but a sign to prepare ourselves,
Sanctify our lives, and offer our good works to
save souls for God.


During the height of Soviet Russia,
their Catholic Orthodox faith was
outlawed. Being creative, priests
would visit their flock at home
carrying but a few items in their
pockets (far left). The icons
could then be unpacked for a private
religious service.
The Third Secret of Fatima is supposed
to reveal that "a great chastisement will come
over all mankind.... No longer does order reign
anywhere. Even in the highest places Satan
reigns and directs the course of events. Satan
will succeed in infiltrating into the highest
positions in the Church.... Cardinals will
oppose cardinals and bishops will oppose
bishops. In Rome there will occur great
changes. What is rotten will fall, and what
falls must not be retained. The great, great
war will come.... fire and smoke will fall from
heaven, and the waters of the ocean will turn
to steam."

The messages from LaSalette
warned of a famine following a period of
pestilence, and that in our time the Church
would be in eclipse, infiltrated and destroyed
from within, "the time of all times, the end of
all ends."

Before the 1940's, times were hard
and keeping costs down was
important. Altars traditionally
had a candle burning, but pure beeswax
candles were expensive,
sanctuaries were small, and candles
were sooty and smelly. About 1903
the alcohol "candle lamp," as shown at
left, was invented. The priest
would soak rose petals in pure alcohol,
then burn the alcohol in the lamp to
produce a gentle "candle" flame with a
faint aroma of roses. The lamp
had to be pre heated with a high flame
to sustain the gentle "candle" flame
shown. Click photo to
Agnes Sasagawa of Akita also warned that
"The work of the devil will infiltrate even
into the Church in such a way that one will see
cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops
against other bishops." But most important was
her revelation that "Fire will fall from the
sky and wipe out a great part of humanity...."
The Most Reverend John Shojiro Ito, bishop of
Niigata, said: "The message of Akita is the
message of Fatima."
Upon unsealing and reading the Vatican scroll
for the first time, Pope John Paul II
apparently nearly fainted. He read what you
have read above, and more. JP II has said that
he is waiting for a sign in the sun to put into
action a command from the scroll.

& H "trophy" lamp from the 19th
Century, with statue of St. Francis on
the left and Our Lady of Lourdes on the
right from the same era. The burl
walnut desk was made by German
craftsmen in Portland, OR in
1903...everything including the desk is
authentic "period" works of art and
religion. Click on the photo to
These are the end times. We must be
prepared for them, both spiritually and with
physical preparations. The Lord helps those who
help themselves. It is up to you to live a
spiritual AND self-reliant lifestyle. Those who
are living in a state of grace and prepared to
survive without taking the mark of the beast
during the time of "tribulation" will survive
until the final judgment. The others will be
known as "victims."
The choice is yours to make. Choose
Click on image above to
Incredible view inside the Sistine
Here is an amazing bit of
technology that you would never see in person,
as you Would NEVER be alone in the room. It is
ALWAYS VERY CROWDED and of Course you can't see
Michelangelo's artwork close up as you can
here. This is Especially spectacular if you
have a large high-definition screen!
left, click on the plus (+) to move closer, on
The minus (-) to move away. Choir is thrown in
PART OF THE CHAPEL. This virtual tour of the
Sistine Chapel is incredible. Apparently done
by Villanova at the request of the Vatican