methods of field flashing generators, one
using an existing 110 volt
source, one using an electric
generators in storage can "go flat" or lose
their magnetism. Then they will not produce
electricity, even though the small gasoline
engine turning them is running just fine.
There is a simple way to fix that, however.
Large generators (like hydro power units)
lose their magnetism very quickly: that is
the reason Gary North says that if the grid
goes down completely for 2 weeks it may well
stay down: the power needed to re-energize
the generators might not be available. It
takes electricity of the correct voltage and
frequency to reestablish the magnetism in the
generator to produce electricity.
many people now have generators in storage
and may not use them until the "normal"
electric grid is well and truly trashed,
knowing how to get a generator re-magnetized
could be very handy information.
some basics in electrical connections
involving household wiring. (Forget color
coding for 12 volt DC systems -- that is
different, and it is easy to get
The color coding scheme in AC wiring,
stipulated by the National Electrical Code
110 VAC house wiring, the white wire is
neutral, the green wire is "ground," and the
black wire is "hot," carrying the
For 220 volt
AC wiring, Black and Red should ALWAYS be
used as hot wires. White -- ALWAYS used as
neutral wire. Green (or bare) -- ALWAYS the
ground wire.
that? It is crucial!
Look at an
electrical wall socket. You will see a ''face'' with the
''mouth'' is the round socket hole (green wire). The left
"eye" is longer than the right -- it is the neutral
(white) socket; the right "eye" is the hot
(black) socket, and the mouth is the round
(green) ground socket. Cords which only have
2 wires often have the ground spade larger
than the other spade, as they will operate
"polarized" appliances. Light bulbs don't
give a darn which way the power flows through
the tungsten resistance filament to generate
heat (light), but many motors and appliances
require the proper flow of electricity
(polarity). And some appliances are
grounded to their frame, so reversing the
polarity can make the entire appliance "hot"
and quite shocking (and life threatening) to
It is
important to know the correct arrangement of
electrical flow because generators MUST have
the correct polarity. When they lose their
magnetism they are in a neutral state, so it
is entirely possible to energize them in
reverse -- to reverse their polarity. You
don't want to do that, and it is easy to
Field Flashing
Using a 110 volt
re-energize a generator it must be fed
electricity at the correct voltage and cycle
rate while it is running. This means power
must be available from household power or a
borrowed generator. Most generators are 110
VAC 60 cycle, a few are 220 VAC 60 cycle, and
some have dual 110 VAC 60 cycle armatures and
windings (which when combined produce 220
VAC). But as all of them have 110 VAC
receptacles, they can be energized in exactly
the same manner.
device must be built to connect the power
source to the dead generator. Each end must
have 3 wire male plugs, two wires of 12 to 16
gauge about 6 feet long, and 3 light bulb
fixtures are required. The white wire is
connected from the right side (holding it) or
left side (looking at face) of the male
plugs. The positive (black) wire must have 3
light bulb fixtures wired in series, so
electricity flows through each light bulb
from one end to the other. This is most
easily accomplished by installing 3 porcelain
light fixtures on a board and connecting them
in series, but any expedient method that does
not short out the wires may be employed in an
emergency. Put 60 watt light bulbs in each

NOTE: You can
use a continuity tester to make sure the wiring is correct
- left plug spade to to left plug spade, right to right,
before using the assembly with the generator.
is no need for a 3rd (green) wire in this
arrangement: 3 wire male plugs are used to
simplify getting the polarity correct when
under duress and pressure, nothing
will remember that wall sockets are "hot" and
have female connections, and when you plug in
an appliance or cord that all exposed
connections disappear or are covered. That is
to avoid the hazard of a self-induced hair
raising experience known variously as
"electric shock therapy" or electrocution.
But the device you have just constructed has
male plugs at both ends! Obviously caution is
mandatory here, and things must be done in
the correct sequence. But there is no
alternative to this method that I know of, so
you simply must be careful, keep the rug rats
away, don't stand in a puddle of water, and
tell the spouse to pray instead of
up the engine on the dead generator and warm
it up until it runs smoothly with the choke
off: it isn't under load yet, but it will be.
Then fire up the borrowed generator. Plug
your contraption into the dead generator,
then into the spare generator or household
current. The three 60 watt bulbs will start
flashing: when they are perfectly in sync,
carefully pull the plug from the spare
generator, then the other generator which has
just been re-energized. DO NOT TOUCH
a voltage tester, you will find the "dead"
generator is now putting out 110 VAC power AT
THAT SOCKET. If you have a 220 VAC generator,
test the other 110 VAC socket: if it is dead,
energize it in the same way as outlined
above. Then both 110 volt armatures will be
putting out 110 VAC 60 cycle power in sync,
and combine to produce 220 VAC as
the system described above works, and works
well. Using this technique will enable you to
salvage a useless generator at very little
cost. And done with care it need not be a
hair raising experience -- quite handy for
those of us lacking same.
I done it? You bet. I bought my generator
back in 1974 when building a cabin in the
woods of Western Oregon (The "back to the
land" hippies found us already there!). But
in the early 80's I didn't use the generator
for awhile (got soft), and it lost its
magnetism. So I did it, and it works well to
the day the engine died in 2004. It simply
wasn't worth rebuilding the engine, as those
old engines were designed to run on leaded
gasoline. So I replaced it with a 3,000
watt generator and built a cart to
move it around (see photo below).

are other uses for short extension cords with
male plugs on both ends: they must be home
built, used with care (and hidden from OSHA),
but they can be very useful. For example, I
modified the circuit breaker box on my well
pump by adding an extension cord on 12-3 wire
to a standard wall socket in a normal outlet
box. But I connected the extension cord to
the BOTTOM side of the circuit breaker -- to
the pump wire connection. When the circuit
breaker is "on" and power flowing, I can plug
in a clamp light with a 150 watt light bulb
and prevent the pump from
if the power goes out, I can flip the circuit
breaker off, thereby isolating the pump from
the house wiring. I can fire up the
generator, plug one male end into the socket
connected to the circuit breaker box, plug in
the other male end to the generator, and
power the well pump. And I don't have the
fear of electricity flowing backwards past
the circuit breaker box and up the line. When
I want to turn off the pump, I pull the plug
from the generator FIRST.
A reader sent me this link and
method. I have not used this method
myself, but it has great applications for the
future given that it does NOT require the use
of electricity from another source.
Another reader told me he tried it and it
I always give credit where due. A
reader sent me the link, the link is shown,
and the information supposedly came from
Briggs & Stratton. Miles
This tip comes from the Briggs &
Stratton Customer Education Department. As an
alternative to flashing a rotor winding with
a battery applied to the brushes, an electric
drill may be used. Follow these steps to
flash the generator:
- Plug the
electric drill into the generator
receptacle. (Cordless drills do not
- If the
drill is reversible, move the direction
switch to the forward position.
- Start the
While depressing the trigger on
the drill, spin the drill chuck in
reverse direction. This will excite the
field and the generator will now produce
electricity. If spinning the chuck one
direction does not work, try spinning the
chuck in the other direction as you may
have the reverse switch positioned
Use caution not to get your hand or
other materials caught in the chuck. As soon
as the field is excited, the generator will
produce power and the drill will turn
The reason this works is because the
electric motor in the drill will act as a
small generator when spun backwards. The
magnets in the drill's motor induce a voltage
into the motor windings, which is fed back
through the trigger, cord and into the
generators receptacle. From there it goes
into the power winding of the stator. The
voltage going through the power winding
creates a magnetic field, which is
intensified due to the iron core of the
stator laminations. The rotor intersects this
magnetic field as it is spun past the power
winding, thus inducing a voltage in the rotor
winding. Once current flow is present in the
rotor winding the rotor has been
If flashing the field does not make the
generator work, you may have additional
problems, besides a lack of magnetism in the
rotor. Further testing will be needed.
Hopefully, this will give a simple way to
field flash your generator if needed - Bruce
CONFIRMATION! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nov. 3,
THANK YOU A million for having this website.
I bought a 7kw generac generator, good engine
but no juice for $75. I tore it apart and
replaced a rectifier and 1 wire and a few
quick connects. Still no juice. I was about
to give up on it and then found your site
about field flashing. The DRILL technique
Thank you for passing on the knowledge.
S Ruppe
~~~~~~~~~ April 15, 2008
Hi Miles.
Many thanks from a
land down under. The drill method fixed
my Yamaha gen. was told by "experts" to
junk it. Again many thanks.
Ps needed to spin drill
at high speed to establish
~~~~~~~~~May 20,
Hi Miles, Just
want to say a BIG THANK YOU for your
article on how to get a dead generator
working. I tried the drill solution first
but no go, got a blister on my thumb for
my troubles but then I made up your
apparatus with the globes and YIPPE it
worked. I used 100 watt globes and my gen
is and old Robin RG201 2 kva 220/240 volt
60hz, must be 20 years old, I had given
up on getting it to work. I made one
mistake and used a cord that I had made
up myself and fortunately the voltmeter
on the gen showed the needle going
backwards so used a pre made cord and
away she went. I am in Western Australia,
so thanks to you and the Internet I have
a working generator for emergency
Regards Bruce C