The experts at the FDA have
said that the average adult will consume the
following amounts of fresh food per
Meat - 150 to 200 pounds per
Flour - 200 to 300 pounds
Sugar or
honey - 60 pounds
Fats or Oils - 60
Salt - 5 pounds
Powdered Milk - 75
Vegetables and Fruits -
600 to 700 pounds
- 375 gallons
The figures
above are nice guidelines, but they need to
be considered from the technical angle of
preserved foods rather than fresh
Meat: Under adverse conditions,
people can easily get by with less protein
than 150 pounds of fresh meat per year, as
that averages to almost a half pound per day!
A canned, cooked one pound ham, for example,
would be a real treat once a week, and easily
feed a family of four. For weekday meals for
a family of four, a 5 ounce can of tuna,
canned chicken, 12 ounce can of luncheon
meat, or 12 ounce can of corned beef can be
used in a casserole (or whatever) and provide
the required protein.

Flour: The listed amount of 200 to
300 pounds of flour per year is fairly
realistic, as in catastrophic conditions
people would be making their own bread and
pasta, for example. Using a hand cranked mill
to produce flour from whole wheat is a sure
way to limit the amount of flour required, as
it is hard work!

Sugar or
honey: The recommended 60 pounds is the
absolute minimum needed, in reality far below
the actual amount desired, as sweeteners are
the carbohydrates needed for energy, and
survival is hard work. The 60 pounds listed
by the FDA does not take into account home
canning, for example, and people will need to
make jellies and jams and can fruits, all of
which require a considerable amount of sugar
or honey.
Fats or
oils: Again, this is an absolute minimum
amount needed, as 60 pounds of fats or oils
does not go far when used in baking, frying,
and other uses. In hard times, people
actually require fat in their diet in order
to do hard work. In every country in which
food is rationed, cooking oils are one of the
first items of scarcity. Indeed, in Russia
last fall cooking oils were almost impossible
to find, even though not specifically
rationed. Corn oil stores for years, and so
does plain, inexpensive hydrogenated
Salt: Whoever at the FDA dreamed
this up must have been a nutrition Nazi. Five
pounds of iodized table salt would be the
recommended minimum per person per year, but
what about making kraut, salt preserving
meat, or preserving fish in a barrel of salt?
For those needs, a family should have at
least 50 pounds of fine grade, non iodized
salt, available for less then $5.00 from a
feed and seed store. Salt is essential to
life! Remember the salt caravans from the old
days in Africa and the middle East? Salt was
worth more than gold!
milk: The 75 pounds recommended per
person is fine, but for cooking needs a
couple of cases (48 cans) of canned,
condensed milk is an absolute

Vegetables and fruits: In hard
times, greens and fruits can indeed be a
vital food item, as they provide the vitamins
and minerals our bodies require to remain
healthy. Storing vegetables and fruits is
where a food dehydrator really shines.
Combine the dried veggies with fresh greens
from a garden and canned fruit juices and
sauces, and the 600 pound per year amount
becomes far more attainable.
Fruit juices may also be canned, and they
contain essential vitamins and minerals to
keep us healthy.